Saturday, July 23, 2011

Red Navigation bar

Final Image:

This is a Navigation making Tutorial.In this Tutorial you can learn How to make a navigation bar with Phototshop.

Create a New Document 540*250 Pixel

and fill with #393737 Color.

Now we will make the background for the navigation buttons to go inside.
Create a new layer, and select rounded rectangle tool from tools panel
Make a selection of 480*50 pixel and radius of 5 pixels.

Go to Layer >> Layer style >> Gradient overlay
And apply this valui.

Now Your image look like this.

Now we'll add layer style on navigation background.
Go to Layer > Layer Style > Outer Glow

Go to Layer >> Layer style >> Stroke

Now we'll add Buttons on navigation bur.
Create a new layer and using the rounded rectangle tool and make a selection
of 150*40 pixels.

Go to layer>> Layer Style >> Gradient overlay.
and apply this value.

Now we will apply two layer style to this button.
Go to Layer >> Layer Styles >> Inner Glow

Layer > Layer Styles > Stroke

Now your image look like this.

Select the text tool and add some text in this button.I have used font style Arena Condensed,Regular,20 pt,Crips,Color #ffffff.

Now repeat the button step so you have new two button.

Now ill make the middle on a different color to show mouse over effect.Just Select Middlae button layer and apply Pink color.

Now your Navigation bar is ready.


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